The Australian National University
Emeritus Faculty Member

Barry W. Ninham

1958-1960 Research Assistant, University of Maryland, USA

1960-1962 Research Fellow, IBM Corporation, T.J. Watson Centre, NY, USA

1962-1968 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Queen Elizabeth II Fellow, A/ Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia

1968-1969 Visiting Scientist, National Institutes for Health, Bethesda Md, USA

1970-2000 Foundation Professor and Head, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University.

1982-1983 Professor, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota and Department of Chemical Engineering, USA

1987 Visiting Professor, CEA Saclay (3 months), France

1991 Professor, University of Lund (6 months), Sweden

1994 Professor, University of Lund, Sweden (6 months, CEA Saclay, College de France, University of Paris, France)

1996 TFR (Swedish Res. Council for Engineering Sciences) National Chair in Chemical Engineering, University of Lund (12 months) Sweden

1998/99 Swedish National Tage Erlander NFR (basic sciences ) Chair in Chemistry

1999 Chalmers University 150th anniversary Chair of Chemistry

2000- Professor Emeritus Australian National University

2001 Guest Professor Malmo University

July-December 2002 Guest Professor University of Florence

April-December 2003 Italian National Chair in Chemistry based mainly in Florence and Cagliari

2004 Humboldt Distinguished Professor , Regensburg, Germany

Jan-July 2005 Visiting Professor, University of Florence

PUBLISHED: 400 papers in physical chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, 6 books

MENTORED /DIRECTED over 100 Ph Ds and research fellows of whom about 50 are now full chairs in various fields in above fields.

OTHER: Chairman and organiser, various international meetings; Reviewer, numerous scientific journals. Member and Chair, 10 years, ANU Encyclopaedia Britannica Committee; Director, Australian Enhanced Oil recovery program, Chair of Review Committees in Physical Chemistry in Sweden (1986), and TFR (Basic Engineering Sciences) Sweden (1997); Reviewer of Physical Chemistry for Atomic Energy Commission France (1998)Numerous University and Union Committees; Feature Writer for National Press, Canberra Times and Australian on education and science policy issues. Consultant to various Companies; Foundation Member, UNESCO World Commission on Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (1998-2002). Played major role in preserving ANU from dismemberment during intense political disputes on new versus old Universities, and on Science -Industry relations.

Activities 2006-2011

Emeritus Professor of Applid Mathematics , ANU 2000-present.
CommitteeE,eritus Faculty

Chief Investgater for 2 Australian Research Grants every year
Usual value > ca, $250,000 per year.
These are used exclusively to fund post docs , research fellows, students and on costs.

Professor of Chemistry at University of Florence Italy 2006-7, visting professor other years.

Continuing research collaborations at ANU ; Florence and Caglari, Italy; Regensburg ; Germany; Lund and Linkoping, Sweden; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; Assam , India
in physics chemistry and biology.

Published one book and 73 research papers -see attached list
Science citaions in Chemistry > 18,000, HI index > 65.
Further citations in mtahematics ,physics and biology.


2010 Honorary Doctorate of Science , U. Western Australia

2008 The ANU created the
Barry Ninham Chair of Natural Sciences held presently by Stephen Hyde

Craig Medal, Australian . Academy of Sciences, 2006

PUBLICATIONS B. W Ninham 2005-2011


2010 Intermolecular Forces :in colloid science nanotechnology and biology,
Barry W Ninham and Pierandrea Lonostro, Cambridge University Press 365 pp
ISBN: 978 0 521 89600 9

Refereed Journal Research papers (73)


333 1-05 B W Ninham
Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2006, vol. 133, 65-73
Also in Smart Materials ,vol 133, W Richtering (Ed.), (2006), 65-73 Springer Verlag Publ.

334 2-05 B.W.Ninham and M.Bostrom
Building Bridges between Biology and the Physical Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology 51 (2005) 803-815

335 3-05 M. Boström, and B. W. Ninham
Energy of an ion crossing a low dielectric membrane: the role of dispersion self-free energy
Biophysical Chemistry 114, 95-101 (2005)

336 4-05 M. Bostrom , F.W. Tavares , S. Finet , F. Skouri-Panet , A. Tardieu , B.W. Ninham
Why Forces between Proteins follow different Hofmeister series
for pH above and below pI
Biophysical Chemistry117 (2005), 217-224

337 5-05 M. Boström, W. Kunz, and B. W. Ninham
Hofmeister Effects, pp 468 -471
in J. H. Lear and J.Keely (Eds),
Water Encyclopedia: Oceanography ,Meteorology, Physics and Chemistry
Water law and Water history , art and culture
Hoboken , New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, 2005 .

338 6-05 M. Boström and B. W. Ninham
Dissolved Gases,
pp 452-452 ibid. 2005,

339 7-05 M. Boström, W. Kunz, and B. W. Ninham,
Hofmeister Effects in Surface Tension of Electrolytes:
Role of Interfacial Solvation Energies and Ionic Dispersion Potentials
Langmuir 21 (2005), 2619 - 2623

340 8-05 M. Boström, F. W. Tavares, B. W. Ninham and D Bratko
Specific Ion Effects in Solutions of Globular Proteins: Comparison between Analytical Models and Simulation
J.Phys.Chem B. 109, (2005) 24489-24494

341 9-05 M.C. Pinna, P. Bauduin, D. Touraud, M. Monduzzi, B.W. Ninham,
and W.Kunz
Hofmeister effects in biology: effect of choline addition on the
salt induced superactivity of horseradish peroxidase and its implication for
salt resistance of plants
J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005), 16511-16514

342 10-05 . P. Bauduin, D. Touraud, W. Kunz, and B. W. Ninham
The influence of structure and composition of a reverse SDS microemulsion on enzymatic activities.
J Mol Liquids (2005)

343 11-05 A. Eljaouhari, J. Henle, R. Müller, H. Trem, S. Woelki, H.-H. Kohler, K. Heckmann, W. Kunz, and B. W. Ninham
Ordered materials from chemically fixed dissipative biological structures
Submitted somewhere

344 .12-05 P. Lonostro, B. W. Ninham, A. Lo Nostro, G. Pesavento, L. Fratoni, and
P. Baglioni
Specific ion effects on the growth rates of Staphyloccus aureus and Pseudomonas aeuginosa.
Physical Biology, vol. 2 (2005), 1-7

344 13-05 B. Lonetti, P. Lo Nostro, B.W. Ninham, and P. Baglioni
Anion effects on calixarene monolayers: a Hofmeister series study
Langmuir 21 (2005) , 2242 - 2249

345 14-05 Nanoparticles of Mg(OH)2: Synthesis and Application to Paper Conservation
R. Giorgi, C. Bozzi, L. Dei, C. Gabbiani1, B.W. Ninham and , P. Baglioni1,
Langmuir 21 (2005) 8495-8501

346 15-05 M. C Pinna, A Salis, M. Monduzzi, B.W Ninham
Hofmeister Series: the hydrolytic activity of Aspergillus niger lipase
depends on specific ion effects
J Phys. Chem B 109 (2005), 5406-5408

347 16-05 . M.C. Pinna, A. Salis, M. Monduzzi, and B.W. Ninham
Reply to Comments on Hofmeister Series: The hydrolytic activity
of Aspergillus niger lipase depends on specific anion effects
J Phys Chem B 109 (2005) , 14752-14754

348 17-05 W. Kunz, P. LoNostro, V.S.J. Craig, and B.W. Ninham
Comment on: pH determination by pyranine: Medium-related artefacts and their correction
byYuval Avnir, Yechezkel Barenholz,
Analytical Biochemistry 347 (2005) 34-41


349 1-06 M. Boström, F. W. Tavares, D. Bratko, B. W. Ninham,
Ion Specific Interactions Between Pairs of Nanometer Sized Particles in Aqueous Solutions
Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci.133 (2006) 74-77.

350 2-06 Specific Ion Effects: Interaction between Nanoparticles in Electrolyte Solutions V. Deniz, M. Boström, D. Bratko, F. W. Tavares, B. W. Ninham
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 319 (2008), 98-102

351 3-06 The Effect of Salt Identity on the phase diagram for globular proteins in aqueous electrolyte solutions
M. Boström, F. W. Tavares, B.W. Ninham, and J. M. Prausnitz
J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 24757-24760

352 4-06 M. Boström, B. Lonetti, E. Fratini, P. Baglioni, and B. W. Ninham
Why pH Titration in Protein Solutions Follow a Hofmeister Series
J Phys Chem B 110 (2006) 7563-7566

353 5-06 M. Boström and B. W. Ninham
Why pH Titration in Lysozyme Suspensions Follow a Hofmeister Series
Colloids and Surfaces A. Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 291, (2006), 24-29

354 6-06 V. Deniz, M. Boström, G. Franks, and B. W. Ninham
Extended DLVO: Electrostatic and Non-Electrostatic Forces in Oxide Solutions
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 123 (2006) 5-15

355 7-06 L. A. Moreira, M. Boström, B.W. Ninham, E. C. Biscaia and F.W. Tavares
Hofmeister effects:Why protein charge, pH titration and protein precipitation depend on the choice of background salt solution
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282 (2006) 457-463

356 8-06 Ion Specific Surface Forces between Membrane Surfaces
M. Boström, V. Deniz and B. W. Ninham
J.Phys Chem.B. 110 (2006), 9645-9649

357 9-06 M. Boström, F. W. Tavares A. Salis M. C. Pinna M. Monduzzi , and B. W. Ninham
Role of Hofmeister Effects and pH in Buffer Solutions

358 10-06 M. Boström, P. Lo Nostro, B. W. Ninham
Ion Distributions Inside and Near Ion Permeable Membranes

359 11-06 M. Boström, P. Lo Nostro, B. W. Ninham
Asymmetry of Cation Distributions Inside and Near Biomembranes-an unrecognised contribution to sodium- potassium pumps.

360 12-06 Ion Distributions Inside and Near Ion Permeable Membranes
M. Boström, P. Lo Nostro, B. W. Ninham mss in preparation

361 13-06 M Bostrom, F.W Tavares, D.Bratko, and B,W Ninham
Íon specific interactions between pairs of nanometer sized particles in aqueous solutions
In Smart Materials, W. Richtering (Ed.) 74-77

362 14-06 Ambrosi, M., Fratini, E., Alfredsson, V., Ninham, B. W., Giorgi, R., Lo Nostro, P., Baglioni, P. "Nanotubes from a Vitamin C-based Bolaamphiphile" Journal of American Chemical Society 128, (2006) 7209-7214.

363 15-06 .P. Bauduin, .F. Nohmie, D.Touraud, R. Neueder, W. Kunz, B.W. Ninham
Specific Ion Effects on Enzyme Activity and buffer pH: horseradish peroxidase in Citrate Buffer
J.Mol..Liquids 123 (2006), 14-19

364 16-06 16-06 A.E. Voinescu, P. Bauduin, C. Pinna, D.Touraud, B.W Ninham and W. Kunz
Similarity of salt influences on the pH of buffers, polyelectrolytes and proteins
J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006), 8870-8876.

367 17-06 P. Bauduin; D. Touraud, W.Kunz, M. P. Savelli, S. Pulvin and B. W. Ninham
The influence of structure and composition of a reverse SDS microemulsion on enzymatic activities and electric conductivities
J.Coll.Interface Sci. 292 (2005), 244-254

Specific Anion Effect on the Optical Rotation of Glucose and Serine
Biopolymers V. 81, Issue 2 (2006) 136-148

369 19-06 S. Murgia, F.Portensani, B. W. Ninham and M. Monduzzi
Sodium Ion Interactions with Cationic Surfactant Interfaces
Chemistry -a European Journal (2006) vol12, 7889-7898

370 20-06 A Salis, M.C. Pinna, D. Bilani?ova, M.Monduzzi,
P. Lo Nostro, and B. W. Ninham
Specific anion effects on pH measurements of buffer solutions: bulk and surface phenomena
J.Phys Chem.B 110 (2006), 2949-2956

371 21-06 M Ambrosi,E.Fratini , V Alfridsson ,B.W.Ninham, R.Giorgi, P Lonostro, P.Baglioni
Nanotubes from a vitamin C -based bolaamphipjhilie .\,
J ACS 128 (2006), 7209-7214

372 22-06 P. Lo Nostro, B. W. Ninham , S. Milani, A. Lo Nostro , G. Pesavento and
P. Baglioni
Hofmeister effects in supramolecular and biological systems
Biophysical Chemistry 124 (2006) 208-213


373 1-07 P.Lo Nostro, R. Ramsch, E. Fratini, M. Lagii , F. Ridi,
E.Carretti, M. Ambrosi, B.W. Ninham,and P.Baglioni
Organogels from a Vitamin C-Based Surfactant
J Phys Chem B 111 (2007), 11714- 11721

374 2-07 L.A. Moreira, M. Boström, B.W. Ninham, E.C. Biscaia, F.W. Tavares
Effect of ion-protein dispersion interactions on the protein-surface and protein-protein interactions
J. Braz. Chem. Soc, v 18 no1 (2007) 2213-230

375 3-07 Insights into Hofmeister mechanisms: Anion and degassing effects on the cloud point of dioctanoylphosphatidylcholine/water systems.
M. Lagi, P. Lo Nostro, E. Fratini, B. W. Ninham and P. Baglioni.
J. Phys.Chem. B, 111 (2007) 589-597.

376 4-07 A.Renoncourt, N. Vlachy, P. Bauduin, M. Drechsler, D. Touraud, J.-M. Verbavatz, M. Dubois,| W. Kunz, and B. W. Ninham
Specific alkali cation effects in the transition from micelles to vesicles through salt addition, Langmuir 23 (2007), 2376-2381

377 5-07 A. Salis, D. Bilanicova, Barry W. Ninham, M. Monduzzi
Hofmeister Effects in Enzymatic Activity: weak and strong electrolyte
influences on the activity of Candida rugosa lipase
J.Phys. Chem. B 111 (2007), 1149-1156

378 6-07 Specific Anion Effects on the Optical Rotation of a-Amino Acids
S. Rossi, P.Lo Nostro, B.W. Ninham, and P. Baglioni
J.Phys Chem. B 111 (2007), 10510- 10519

379 7-07 A. E. Voinescu, D. Touraud, A. Lecker, A. Pfitzner, W. Kunz,
and B. W. Ninham,
Mineralization of CaCO3 in the presence of egg white lysozyme
Langmuir.23, (2007), 12269-12274


380 1-08 M. Boström, E. R. A. Lima, and F. W. Tavares and B.W.Ninham
The Influence of Ion Binding and Ion Specific Potentials on the
Double Layer Pressure Between Charged Bilayers at Low Salt Concentrations
J Chem Phys. 128 (2008) 135104 -1--- 135104 -4

381 2-08 V. Deniz, M. Boström, D. Bratko, F. W. Tavares, B. W. Ninham
Specific Ion Effects: Interaction between Nanoparticles in Electrolyte Solutions
Colloids and Surfaces A :
Physicochemical and Engineering Applications 319 (2008), 98-102

382 3-08 P. Lo Nostro, S. Murgia, M. Lagi, E. Fratini, G. Karlsson, M. Almgren, M. Monduzzi, B. W. Ninham and P. Baglioni
Interconnected networks: structural and dynamic characterization of aqueous dispersions of dioctanoylphosphatidylcholine
J. Phys. Chem. B 112 (2008), 12625-12634

383 4-08 D. Bilani?ova, A. Salis, B. W. Ninham and M.Monduzzi
Specific Anion Effects On Enzymatic Activity in Non Aqueous Media
J. Phys. Chem. B 112 (2008), 12066-12072.

384 5-08 Threading, Growth and Aggregation of Pseudopolyrotaxanes
P. Lo Nostro, L. Giustini, E. Fratini, B. W. Ninham,
F. Ridi and P.Baglioni
J. Phys. Chem.B 112 (2008), 1071-1081


385 1-09 D. F. Parsons? and B. W. Ninham
Ab initio ionic molar volumes and Gaussian radii.
J. Phys. Chem A 113 (2009) 1141-1150

386 2-09 M Bostrom, E.R.A Lima, E.C. Biscaia, ,F.W.Tavares, P.LoNostro,
D.F Parsons V.Deniz and B.W.Ninham
Anion specific Ion partitioning in two phase finite volume systems: possible implications for ion pumps.
J.Phys.Chem B 113 (2009 ) 8124-8127

387 3-09 M. Ambrosi, P. Lo Nostro, E. Fratini, L. Giustini, B. W. Ninham and P. Baglioni
Effect of headgroup chirality in nanoassemblies., part 1. self-assembly of d-isoascorbic acid derivatives in water
J.Phys Chem B 113( 2009) 1404 -1412 .

389 4-09 P.Lo Nostro, M.Ambrosi, B. W. Ninham and P.Baglioni
Effect of headgroup chirality in nanoassemblies. part 2: thermal behavior of vitamin C -based surfactants
J.Phys.Chem.B 113 (2009), 8324-8331

390 5-09 Hofmeister and Complex Electrostatic Effects in Biofouling
Andrea Salis, M. Boström, D.F. Parsons, and B. W. Ninham

391 6-09 A Salis, M.Monduzzi, and B.W.Ninham
Hofmeister Effects in enzymatic activity , colloid stability and pH measurements : ion dependent specificity of intermolecular forces In Nanoparticles and nanodevices in biological applications -the Infn Lectures -Vol 1
Bellucci S (ed). Springer Verlag Publ., (2009) ,159 194

392 7-09 D. F. Parsons, V. Deniz, B. W. Ninham,
Nonelectrostatic interactions between ions with anisotropic ab initio dynamic polarisabilities
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 343 (2009) 57-63

393 8-09 L. Tattini, P. LoNostro, L. Scalise, B. W. Ninham and P. Baglioni
Gels from a semi?uorinated n-alkane in ?uorinated solvents as a probe for intermolecular interactions
J. Coll.Interface Sci. 339 (2009) 259-265


394 1-10 D.F.Parsons and B. W.Ninham
Importance of accurate dynamic polarizabilities for the ionic dispersion interactions of alkali halides
Langmuir 26 (2010), 1816-1823

395 2-10 M. Boström,, D. F. Parsons,, T. J. Maceina, A. Salis, and B. W. Ninham
Why Direct or Reversed Hofmeister Series?
Interplay of hydration, non-electrostatic potentials and surface dehydration of ions
Langmuir 26 (5) (2010), 3323 -3328

396 3-10 The Hofmeister anion series effect on the zeta potential of -alumina, and the adsorption of p-hydroxybenzoate at the -alumina-water interface
M. R. Das,1 J. M. Borah, Werner Kunz, B. W. Ninham, and Sekh MahiuddinJ Coll Interface Sci. in press

397 4-10 Charge reversal of surfaces in divalent
electrolytes: the role of ionic dispersion
D. F. Parsons, and B. W. Ninham
Langmuir published on line January 2010
http//pubs.acs. org/doi/abs/10.1021/la9041265

398 5-10 A. Salis, D. F. Parsons, M. Bostrom ,L. Medda, B.Barse,, B.W Ninham and M.Monduzzi
Ion Specific Surface Charge Density of SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica
Langmuir 2010, 26(4), 2484-2490.

399 6-10 P. Lo Nostro, N.Peruzzi, M.Severi, B. W. Ninham, and P. Baglion Asymmetric Partitioning of Anions in Lysozyme Dispersions ,
J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2010, 132, 6571-6577

400 7-10 N.F Bunkin B.W Ninham, V.A Babenko, N.V.Suyazov and A.A Sychev
Role of dissolved gas in optical breakdown of water : differences between effects due to helium and other gases
J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 7743-7752

401 N.F.Bunkin, B.W.Ninham, P.S.Ignatiev, V.A. Kozlov, A.V.Shkirin, A.V. Starosvetskiy,
Long -Lived Nanobubbles of dissolved Gas in Aqueous Solutions of Sats and Eurythocyte Suspensions
J. Biophotonics 4, No. 3, 150-164 (2011) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201000093

402 D.F. Parsons; and B. W. Ninham
Surface charge reversal and hydration forces explained by ionic dispersion forces and surface

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects
Special Issue: Surface Forces ( 2011)

403 D. F. Parsons and B.W. Ninham
Pressure due to ionic dispersion forces between asymmetric surfaces
J Phys Chem.(2011) in press

404 D.F Parsons, M.Bostrom P.Lonostro B.W. Ninham

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011) 13 (27) 12352-12367
Hofmeister Effects: Interplay of Hydration, Non-Electrostatic Potentials, and Ion Size

405 Specific Ion Effects in Adsorption at the Solid/Electrolyte Interface: A Probe into the Low Concentration Region

Jayanta M Boraha, Sekh Mahiuddina, Drew F. Parsonsb, Barry W. Ninhamb
Langmuir published | Langmuir XXXX, XXX, 000-000

406 Possible Origin of the Inverse and Direct Hofmeister Series for Lysozyme at Low and High Salt Concentratiion
M. Bostrom, D.F Parsons , A Salis BW Ninham and M Monduzzi
Langmuir 2011, 27, 9504-9511

407 Approaches To Hydration, Old And New: Insights Through Hofmeister Effects COLSUA issue on hydration published on line
B.W Ninham , T, Duignan and Drew F. Parsons

408 Chem Revs
Hofmeister Phenomena: An Update on Ion Specificity in Biology

P Lonostro and B.W. NinhamTo appear
409 Measurements and Theoretical Interpretation of Points of Zero Charge/Potential of BSA protein Langmuir appeared
Luca Medda, Mathias Boström, Andrea rSalis, Francesca Cugia,Brajesh
Barse, Drew F. Parsons, † Barry W. Ninham, and Maura Monduzzi