The Australian National University
Emeritus Faculty Member

Peter Stork


Curriculum Vitae


A. Post Retirement Activities

Education:  PhD, ACU Canberra (2006). Thesis: Human Rights in Crisis: Are there no answers to human violence? A Cultural Critique in Conversation with René Girard and Raymund Schwager; M.A. (theol) ACU), Canberra by coursework and thesis Mimetic Theory and the Image of God (2003); Previous studies in NT at Trinity Seminary Newbury USA (distance).

Publications:  Human Rights in Crisis: A Cultural Critique, Saarbrücken (Germany), VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007; “The Impotence of Human Rights in the Face of Escalating Violence: a Girardian View”, AEJT,10, Pentecost 2007; “The Drama of Jesus and the Non-Violent Image of God: Raymund Schwager’s Approach to Divine Violence”, Pacifica 20 (June 2007); “Hope—Essential and Abundant”, AEJT, 15, Jan 2010; “Human Rights: Controlling the Uncontrollable?” forthcoming as Chapter 12 in special volume of Continuum, Aug. 2012; “Wisdom as Interdisciplinary Space for Science and Theology”, forthcoming AEJT, Jan 2012; “The Scientific Challenge for the Church in the Work of Arthur Peacocke” forthcoming St Mark’s Review, July/Aug 2012.

Research Interests and Current Project: Theology and culture; Girardian studies; theology and science. Current project explores implications of the modern cosmological paradigm for Christian faith. Initially it seeks to identify Christian attitudes to science and possible pedagogical needs of the churches. The Australian Research Theology Foundation supports this work with a modest research grant.

Public Lectures and Seminars: “The Ambiguity of Human Rights”, ANU Emeritus Faculty Lecture Series, October 2008; “A Theologian among Scientists: Exploring the Intersection of Science and Theology based on the theology of J. Moltmann” ANU Emeritus Faculty Lecture Series, March 2011; Seminar paper: “Coming to Terms with Big History: Implications of Evolutionary Time Scales”, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy Research Seminar, 12 August 2011, Canberra; taught ACU BTh Subject “Jesus Christ Today”, Sem. 2, 2009 and 2010.

Scholarships: Carmelite Titus Bradsma Scholarship (ACU 2001); Signadou Dominican Prize for academic excellence (2003); APA scholarship with stipend 2003 to 2006.

B. Pre-Retirement Activities

Education: Licensed Public Engineer, Germany (1959); M.Sc. (Geodesy), Technical University Clausthal-Zellerfeld (1958); undergraduate studies in Mining Engineering, Technical University Aachen (1952-56). Australian Institute of Management: Train the Trainer Education (1985); Macquarie University, Sydney, working towards MBA, not completed (1983).

Professional:  Supervising Engineer of mineral exploration projects in Egypt, Sierra Leone and India; Project Manager of iron ore and coal mining developments in WA and NSW [1959-70]; Manager of Kathleen Investments and Queensland Mines Ltd. Their substantial uranium reserves led to involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle; marketing of mine output to overseas nuclear utilities; negotiated first Australian uranium contract ($250 million) [1970-1975] ; General Manager (Commercial Development) of Pancontinental Mining Co., a prospective uranium producer [1975-80].Consultant in private practice specializing in human resources management with focus on career development and management education through seminars and mentoring of senior corporate executives; grew the firm from a one-man-operation to a staff of six, serving substantial corporate clients in Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong and Manila [1981-1999].

Retired in 1999, moved to Canberra, since then academic pursuits in theology and culture.