Dr. Andrew Morven STEWART

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Conference Presentations, Seminars and Minor Publications

95. "No Reverse A.C. Josephson Effect in a High Temperature Superconductor", A.M.Stewart National Meeting on High Temperature Superconductors, C.S.I.R.O. Division of Applied Physics, Sydney May 1987 (oral).

96. "Atmospheric Corrosion of Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide High Temperature Superconductor", B.G.Hyde, J.G.Thompson, R.L.Withers, J.D.FitzGerald, A.M.Stewart, D.J.M.Bevan, J.S.Anderson, J.Bitmead and M.S.Paterson. 1987 International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Superconductivity. Beijing, P.R. China, June 1987 (poster).

97. "Work on High Temperature Superconductors at the Australian National University", A.M.Stewart, International Seminar on High Temperature Superconductors. Victorian D.I.T.R., Warburton, Victoria, August 1987. (invited oral paper).

98. "Selective Excitation Double Mössbauer Measurements on Iron-Nickel Invar Alloy", D.C.Price and A.M.Stewart. International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Monash University, August 1987 (poster).

99. Interview on "High Temperature Superconductivity Research in Australia" on ABC Radio Science Show, September 1987, and interview on Australian Overseas Service in May 1987.

100. Book review of "The Metallic and Nonmetallic State of Matter", in The Australian Physicist, March 1987, p42.

101. "High Tc Superconductivity Experiments at ANU", High Temperature Superconductivity Symposium held at ANU, November 1987. (invited talk).

102. "Effect of Composition and Oxygen Content upon High Temperature Superconductors", A.M.Stewart Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physics, Sydney, January 1988: (oral).

103. "The Mössbauer Line Broadening in an Fe-Ni Invar Alloy Studied by the Selective Excitation Double Mössbauer Technique", D.C.Price and A.M.Stewart Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physics, Sydney, January 1988 (oral by D.C.P.).

104. "The Effects of Oxidation and Reduction on the X-Ray Photoelectron Spectra of YBa2Cu3O7-x", P.C.Healy, S.Myhra and A.M.Stewart Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physics, Sydney, January 1988 (poster).

105. "Evidence for Proximity Effects in an Inhomogeneous Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor", J.Ferreirinho, S.J.Campbell and A.M.Stewart. Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physics, Sydney, January 1988: (poster, extended abstract published by NSW Department of Industrial Development and Decentralization).

106. "Low Temperature Specific Heat Study of Magnetic Transitions in Holmium and Samarium" Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physics, Sydney, January 1988 (poster).

107. "XPS Analysis of High Tc Layer Compounds: the Significance of the Fine Structure in the O 1s and Ba 3d, Sr 3d and Ca 2p Envelopes", S.Myhra, P.C.Healy, J.C.Rivière, A.M.Stewart and J.G.Thompson, International Conference on High Tc Superconductivity and Related Topics, Singapore, July 1988 (poster).

108. "Microwave Absorption, D.C. Magnetization and AC Susceptibility of High Temperature Y, Bi and Tl Based Superconductors", A.Gould, E.M.Jackson, S.D.Murphy, G.Shaw, R.Crittenden, Z.Y.Li, A.M. Stewart and S.M.Bhagat, Workshop on the Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC, USA, October 1988 (poster).

109. "High Temperature Superconductors at the Australian National University", "The Bean Model of Hysteretic Superconductors", "Phase Sensitive Detector Techniques". Three seminars given in 1988 by A.M.Stewart at the Department of Physics, University of Maryland, U.S.A.

110. Intermag. Conference, Washington D.C. U.S.A. 1989: "Low Field Magnetic Measurements on High Temperature Superconductors", G.Shaw, S.D.Murphy, Z.Y.Li, A.M.Stewart and S.M.Bhagat (oral by S.M.B.).

111. "Magnetic Studies of Bismuth and Thallium High Temperature Superconductors", G.Shaw, S.Murphy, Z.Y.Li, J.Wang, A.M.Stewart and S.M.Bhagat. March 1989 Meeting of the American Physical Society, St Louis, USA. (oral by S.M.B.).

112. "Study of Microwave Power Absorption in Yttrium-Barium Based High Temperature Superconductors", E.M.Jackson, G.J.Shaw, R.Crittenden, Z.Y.Li, A.M.Stewart, S.M. Bhagat and R.E.Glover III. March 1989 Meeting of the American Physical Society, St Louis, USA. (oral by S.M.B.).

113. "X-Ray Photoelectron Studies of High Temperature Superconductors: Evidence for the Importance of Alkaline Earth Metals", S.Myhra, P.C.Healy, A.E.Bocquet, J.F.Dobson, J.G.Thompson and A.M.Stewart, DITAC Conference on Superconductivity, Canberra, February 1989 (poster).

114. "Microwave Power Absorption in Yttrium-Barium-Copper Based High Temperature Superconductors and Related Compounds," E.M.Jackson, G.J.Shaw, R.Crittenden, Z.Y.Li, A.M.Stewart, S.M. Bhagat and R.E.Glover III DITAC Conference on Superconductivity, Canberra, February 1989 (poster).

115. "Studies of the Electronic Structure of HTSC Compounds by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", S.Myhra, A.E.Bocquet, J.F.Dobson, P.Goodman, P.C.Healy, A.M. Stewart, J.G.Thompson and T.J.White. Workshop on Superconductivity, University of NSW, July 1989 (oral by S.M.).

116. "Studies of the Electronic Structure of HTSC and Related Compounds by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy" S.Myhra, A.E.Bocquet, J.F.Dobson, P.C.Healy, P.Goodman, T.J.White, A.M.Stewart and G.J.Thompson, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston U.S.A. December 1989 (Poster paper).

117. Effects of Flux Quantisation on the Non-Resonant Low Field Absorption of Microwaves in High Temperature Superconductors R.Bramley, A.M.Stewart, J.G.Thompson and J.W.White,. Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the A.I.P., Wagga-Wagga, N.S.W., February 1990, (poster).

118. G.Shaw, S.D.Murphy, S.-Y.Li, A.M.Stewart and S.M.Bhagat, Magnetic Measurements at Low Fields on High Temperature Superconductors. Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the A.I.P., Wagga-Wagga, N.S.W., February 1990, (poster)

119. Studies of the Electronic Structure of HTSC and Related Compounds by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Workshop on Superconductivity S.Myhra, A.E.Bocquet, J.F.Dobson, P.C.Healey, D.Jensen, P.Goodman, T.J.White, A.M.Stewart and J.G.Thompson,, Monash University, Melbourne, 2-3 July 1990 (poster).

120. Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductivity Australian National University. Meeting on Materials Science at the A.N.U. February 1990. (oral).

121. High Temperature Superconductivity, An Overview. Division of Science and Technology, Griffith University, Queensland, April 1990. Seminar:

122. Two book reviews in the Australian and New Zealand Physicist 28, (1991). "Metal Optics and Superconductivity" Ed. A.I.Golovashin, "The Superfluid Phases of Helium3" D.Vollhardt and P.Wolfle.

123. Proposal for Electronically Adjustable Spring Stiffness for Surface Force Apparatus and Atomic Force Microscope A.M.Stewart and J.L.Parker. Department of Applied Mathematics A.N.U. Internal Report December 1991.

124. Fracture Face Analysis by XPS and AES of Cl-Doped YBa2Cu3O7-x, 16th Annual Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the NZ and AIP. Hanmer Springs New Zealand Jan. 1992. S.Myhra, P.C.Healy, C.F.Jones, H.E.Bishop, P.Marriott, J.C.Rivière and A.M. Stewart. (poster).

125. Force Feedback Surface Force Apparatus Using a Rare Earth Permanent Magnet, A.M.Stewart, J.L.Parker and H.K.Christenson. Twelfth International Workshop on Rare Earth Magnets and Their Applications. Canberra July 1992, (oral by A.M.S).

126. Measuring the Curvatures of the Mica Surfaces in the Surface Force Apparatus. A.M.Stewart. Department of Applied Mathematics A.N.U. Internal Report. June 1993.

127. Measuring the Curvatures of the Lenses in the Box. talk to Surface Forces group. Department of Applied Mathematics, A.N.U. June 1993.

128. Recent Developments of the Surface Force Apparatus. A.M.Stewart, Departmental Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, A.N.U. September 1993.

129. Effect of Bimorph Drift and Decay upon the Performance of a Force Feedback Surface Force Apparatus A.M.Stewart. Department of Applied Mathematics A.N.U. Internal Report. December 1993.

130. The Influence of Crystal Fields, Itinerant Electron Polarisation and Crystal Texture upon the Paramagnetic Properties of Metallic Samarium Compounds. A.M.Stewart, Rare Earths '93 Processing and Utilisation Workshop, ANSTO, Lucas Heights, N.S.W. October 1993. (oral).

131. Classical Lattice Dynamics: Foreman-Lomer Theory and the Blackman Sum Rule. A.M.Stewart, Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics, Wagga-Wagga, N.S.W., February 1994. (poster).

132. Measuring Surface Forces with Bimorphs Seminar. May 1994 Department of Applied Mathematics A.N.U.

133. Two lectures on: Experimental Aspects of High Temperature Superconductivity. August 1994 Research Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity, National Centre for Theoretical Physics A.N.U.

134. Inequalities for Isothermal Linear Response. A.M.Stewart, Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics, Wagga-Wagga, N.S.W., from 7 to 10 February 1995 (poster).

135. The Use of Piezoelectric Bimorph Transducers to Measure Forces in Colloidal Systems. A.M.Stewart, Condensed Matter Physics Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics, Wagga-Wagga, N.S.W. from 30 January to 2 February 1996 (poster).

136. Gauge Invariant Magnetism Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics University of New South Wales from 29 September to 2 October 1996. (invited talk).

137. Book review of "The Meaning of it All" by Richard Feynman for The Australian and New Zealand Physicist 35 (5) 228 (1998).

138. Lost Feynman Found: Book review of "The Meaning of it All" by Richard Feynman for The Skeptic 18 32 (1999).

139. General Gauge Independence of Diamagnetism plus Paramagnetism Ninth Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics : Condensed Matter in Zero, One and Two Dimensions. University of New South Wales on 8 November 1999. (invited talk).

140. Book Review of "Simple Views on Condensed Matter" by P.G. de Gennes in The Australian and New Zealand Physicist 36 107 (1999).

141. General Gauge Independence of the sum of the Dia and Paramagnetic Moments Twenty Fourth ANZIP Condensed Matter Meeting Wagga Wagga NSW 1-4 February 2000 ISSN-1037-1214 (oral paper, abstract TA4).

142. Interatomic Forces, Phonons and the Blackman Sum Rule. Tenth Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics : New Opportunities in Condensed Matter Physics: The Living State. University of New South Wale.10 June 2000 (Invited talk).

143. Book review of "Frontiers in Magnetism" for The Physicist 38 (1) 32, (2001), 38 (2) 61 (2001).

144. "Why doesn't the Universe Collapse into a Black Hole?" talk given on Founder's Day, 12 October 2001 at the Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering. A.N.U.

145. "Measurements of Dispersion Forces (and other things) with Capacitance Dilatometry" seminar in Department of Applied Mathematics at the Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, A.N.U. on 23 November 2001.

146. Capacitance Dilatometry in a Surface Force Apparatus, A.M.Stewart. 27th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics Wagga Wagga, NSW, 4-7 February 2003 (oral).

147. Formation of Ion Tracks in Single-Crystal Indium Phosphide Irradiated by Swift Heavy Ions, A. S. Khalil, A. M. Stewart, M. C. Ridgway, L. T. Chadderton, D. J. Llewellyn and A. P. Byrne 28th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics Wagga Wagga, NSW, 3-6 February 2004 (poster).

148. Latent ion Track Formation in 200 MeV Gold Irradiated Single Crystal Indium Phosphide A. P.Byrne, L. T.Chadderton, D. J.Llewellyn, A.S. Khalil, M.C. Ridgway, A.M.Stewart. 2004 Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis Geelong, NSW, 2-6 February 2004 (poster).

150. Track formation and track annealing in swift heavy ion irradiated Indium Phosphide. A.S. Khalil, D. J. Llewellyn, M.C. Ridgway, L.T. Chadderton, A.M. Stewart, A. P. Byrne. Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis 2004, Savannah, GA, USA 1-4 August 2004 (poster).

151. Track formation and track annealing in swift heavy ion irradiated Indium Phosphide. A.S. Khalil, D. J. Llewellyn, M.C. Ridgway, L.T. Chadderton, A.M. Stewart and A. P. Byrne. International School of Radiation Effects in Solids, 17-29 July 2004, Erice, Sicily, Italy (poster).

152. Angular momentum of the electromagnetic field: mostly plane waves. A.M.Stewart. Seminar given in the Department of Theoretical Physics, ANU 25 November 2004.

153. Latent Track Formation and Track Annealing in 200 MeV Au irradiated InP. A.S. Khalil, A. M. Stewart, L. T. Chadderton, D. J. Lewellyn, M.C. Ridgway and A. P. Byrne 16th National Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra, 31 Jan. - 4 Feb. 2005 (oral by A.S.K.).

154. Orbital and spin components of the angular momentum of a general electromagnetic field A. M. Stewart. 16th National Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra, 31 Jan. - 4 Feb. 2005 (poster).

155. Influence of adsorbed/condensed cyclohexane between mica surfaces on stick-slip frictional behavior. Satomi Ohnishi, Dasikaku Kaneko, A. M. Stewart, V.V. Yaminsky. 16th National Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra, 31 Jan. - 4 Feb. 2005 (poster).

156. Influence of adsorbed/condensed cyclohexane between mica surfaces on stick-slip frictional behavior. Satomi Ohnishi, Daisaku Kaneko, A. M. Stewart and V.V.Yaminsky. 8 th Japan-Australia Colloid and Interface Science Gakkai, Terrigal, Australia November 2005 (poster). 

157. Review of book 'High Magnetic Fields: Science and Technology' for Australian Physicist 43 (4) 142 (2006).

158. Post-retirement research in theoretical physical science: obstacles and aids. A M Stewart, Research in Retirement Forum, ANU Emeritus Faculty. (15 November 2013). 


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