Welcome to The Australian National University Emeritus Faculty: a community of retired scholars
Present members of the Emeritus Faculty include retired academic staff and professional officers of the University, also invited retirees with links to other universities or similar institutions, such as galleries, libraries, CSIRO, museums, government departments and community groups.
The aims of the Emeritus Faculty are to:
- foster collegiality among the membership;
- encourage and enable members to join in, or contribute collectively and individually to the intellectual, creative, and cultural life of the University and other scholarly institutions, and the wider community;
- develop a network beyond Canberra and the ANU to include organisations and members who have the same values and aspirations as the Emeritus Faculty of ANU generally;
- enhance the visibility and reputation of the University and of other organisations from which regional or national membership has sprung.
The Emeritus Faculty sees the activities of its members as complementing those of existing staff in universities and corresponding organisations, and not replacing them in any way.
The Emeritus Faculty of the ANU consists of retired academic staff and professional officers of the University who wish to continue an association with the University to serve its interests and those of the wider community.
The Emeritus Faculty has produced various publications over the years. The publications include the Committee Minutes as a record of the Faculty’s activities, a monthly Newletter known as The Emeritus, and, from time to time, various e-texts.
The ANUEF hosts various Events throughout the year including collegiate luncheons on the first Wednesday of the month and lectures on the third Wednesday of the month. The Faculty also holds an annual dinner in the winter months and sponsors an annual lecture each year.