
Committee minutes

Committee minutes

The Executive Committee has published the minutes of its meetings since its inception. These minutes are posted each month and may be viewed by selecting from the lookup list below.

AGM minutes

AGM minutes

The Executive Committee has published the minutes of the Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings since its inception. These minutes may be viewed by selecting from the lookup list below.

The Emeritus

Newsletters »

The Emeritus Faculty publishes a monthly newsletter known as "Emeritus", edited by Peter Fuller. Emeritus provides a wide-range of information from the university including book reviews as well as relevant information from Canberra. The Emeritus also publishes the obituaries of past members of the ANU.

Life Celebrations

ANU Obituaries 2000–2021 »
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Life Celebrations is a collection of obituaries of members of The Australian National University whose deaths occurred between 2000 and 2021. It has been prepared and compiled to be available for the celebration of the University’s 75th anniversary. Each of the life celebrations in this volume offers a succinct portrait of the life, achievements and involvement of an ANU staff member in the work of the University. Each of these portraits is a personal account written either by a colleague, research collaborator, student, friend or close relation who knew the person well and would have, in most cases, worked with him or her in the University. As a collection, Life Celebrations provides a historical glimpse of the extraordinary community who have gathered in Canberra from around Australia and around the world to create The Australian National University.

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e-Texts »

This facility will list the titles and authors of documents such as lectures, papers, reviews and other items of interest produced by ANUEF Members. Once listed, you may click on the title to view the document. You may also view more formal texts held within the ANU Institutional Repository by visiting Scholars Keep.

Updated:  13 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  ANUEF Secretary/Page Contact:  ANUEF Secretary